Really, really, ridiculously good looking?

Abercrombie & Fitch is a brand that seems to have brought about a renaissance to the idea of 'All American Beauty', with Ad Campaign models that are not only frighteningly good looking, but also living ambassadors working for the brand.

This is because in order to even qualify for the chance to become an Abercrombie figurine, you have to first be employed as a shop assistant in an Abercrombie Store. What this boils down to is one cleaver piece of 'product meets marketing meets product'.

Imagine each branch being like a store room of Human Americana, shop assistants that consider themselves the embodiment of perfection, stacking t-shirts in slow motion. While you, the customer, are being served by the people who most embody the brand. While at the same time, the marketing department has an endless source of talent; at arms reach. With models glowing with the look of achievement and maybe appearing more proud having actually been part of the product.

While such a strategy isn't possible or even required here, it's worth thinking about the people who are cast to most reflect a brand, as they are often the real people who are using the brand. There is a symbiotic relationship between the two and raises the importance of street castings and customer involvement in being 'the face' of a customer centric brand.

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